Central Calcutta Polytechnic

Central Calcutta Polytechnic is 57 years old with a rich culture and a long tradition
Our sole purpose is to carve these young minds into responsible and successful citizens of our country.

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Diploma Courses

Central Calcutta Polytechnic is one of the premier diploma institutions which offers diploma courses in Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics and Telecommunications, and Computer Science and Technology. It also conducts a post diploma course in Medical Electronics. All these courses are recognized by AICTE and WBSCTE

Mechanical Engineering

Intake Capacity: 60

Electrical Engineering

Intake Capacity: 60

Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

Intake Capacity: 30

Computer Science & Technology

Intake Capacity: 60

Post Diploma in Medical Electronics

Intake Capacity: 15

Our Committee

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Student Welfare Committee


Healthy Environment


Anti-ragging Committee